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Thoughts and scribbles of the mustache pie persuasion

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sweet Caroline

You know what's weird?

Once time I met a boy who was friends with a boy my friend was kinda dating.

And we sorta became friends for a sorta short while before we sorta stopped talking.

In fact, there are very few memories that stick out tied to this fellow in particular:

*Dancing with him and singing "Sweet Caroline" at the bar we karaoked at

*He told Rachul "this song is for you" when Nine Inch Nails' "Closer" came on

* We watched Repo with Rachul and Devin

and that's that.

But then he died. And I don't actually know how he died, just that he did.

And when I found that out, I cried a lot. Even though I'm not exactly sure why, because I didn't exactly know him.

And last Thursday at the Stray Cat someone sang "Sweet Caroline" and it made me happy and sad, because that was a good time.

How weird is it to have good times with strangers for such short whiles?