:-{ + π = ♥

Thoughts and scribbles of the mustache pie persuasion

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Best Part of Waking Up

Is definitely not having a giant, arm nipple as a result of ant-nibbling in the night.

I don't know why the one thing I'm allergic to has to be everywhere. At least peanuts don't assault people.

Then again, at least ants aren't in the things I like to eat. Most of the time.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Star Trek Voyager and baking and art--OH MY

I effing love you.

7 of 9 is my Borg heart-throb.

Tuvok is a mind-melding whore.

<3<3<3 width="480" height="385">

We also have jack crap to do on a Saturday night, besides the aforementioned stuff, and so we went for a...WALK!

That would be more impressive if I told you that we were all legless stumps, but really we're just lazy. We don't go outside a lot. So we walked down to campus and attempted to go to the Secret Garden, but there was a bit of a hootenany going on, so we headed back. Kinda pathetic.


We did get to see a really wonderful art mural of sorts that is on a brick wall by the Physical Education East Building. Last time I saw it, it made my day, and it has only gotten larger.

If you're near the ASU Tempe campus, I'd suggest checking it out.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

My Lifestyle Choice

Dear stuff,

You say goodbye, I say

I love you,
and when times get tough
let's keep it off the epidermis
and shred paper instead
or punch a pillow
or a wall
or pull the heads off dolls
instead of squishing everything down
into that icky sticky worn-out spot
at this terrible horrible no good very bad moment
that we catch like clockwork

I love you.
I love you, I love you, I love you.
And all those dangerous thoughts
they'll be the death of us
or so I've read
but I pinky-promise
we can soak up our crazy
and wring it out
and let it run together
until there is no next time

but let's just stop
let's just not

this time

let's just not
go down the thin, glinting edge
of that graffiti-scarred road

and we can pass electronic notes
when we feel like pouring out the contents of our heads
into the oven
or across the wall

because Hello,
I love you.
You're my favorite kind of trouble
and I'd love to be your sidekick until the end of time
but you kind of have to be there
and if we make a date
I promise to make it, too

because Hello,
I love you.
I love you, I love you, I love you,
and I'd like to see
if the rumors are true
and everything could be ok
even if we are just a couple of weathered
badass bitches at the end
there could be a double rainbow at the end of this shit-storm
That's one for each of us
so you'd better meet me there
or maybe we'll carpool
'cause you can't drive anyway.

Monday, October 18, 2010


I like Everclear.


"Pale Green Stars"



"I Will Buy You A New Life"

"Father of Mine"

wtf how did I not know this before now?

Friday, October 15, 2010

Looking Forward

I keep having dreams about graduation/post-graduation.

It's coming more quickly than I'd like to think. So I've got to start thinking: after December, 2011 what are my plans going to be?

I had thought that I'd be applying to high schools for a job, but now I'm not so sure.

Once upon a time I had slightly different goals--orchestra teacher, scientist (maybe science teacher), writing, and possibly Ph.D.

It seems terribly disappointing to give up on all of that, even if not giving up just means accomplishing some of that.

At any rate, if I did go to more school I could perhaps get another more marketable degree to add to my English and education background. The job market certainly isn't easy.

Besides that...I'm not sure I want to hitch myself to Arizona teaching just yet, you know? It's a lot harder to get going again if I find a teaching position and settle down.

I didn't venture out much in my undergrad career, and that was my own fault. Perhaps I should consider doing more before I call it quits?


Monday, October 11, 2010

It's all in the details, really

What's the difference between an English Lit. Major and an English teacher?

(other than all that Grad school debt)