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Thoughts and scribbles of the mustache pie persuasion

Friday, October 15, 2010

Looking Forward

I keep having dreams about graduation/post-graduation.

It's coming more quickly than I'd like to think. So I've got to start thinking: after December, 2011 what are my plans going to be?

I had thought that I'd be applying to high schools for a job, but now I'm not so sure.

Once upon a time I had slightly different goals--orchestra teacher, scientist (maybe science teacher), writing, and possibly Ph.D.

It seems terribly disappointing to give up on all of that, even if not giving up just means accomplishing some of that.

At any rate, if I did go to more school I could perhaps get another more marketable degree to add to my English and education background. The job market certainly isn't easy.

Besides that...I'm not sure I want to hitch myself to Arizona teaching just yet, you know? It's a lot harder to get going again if I find a teaching position and settle down.

I didn't venture out much in my undergrad career, and that was my own fault. Perhaps I should consider doing more before I call it quits?


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