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Thoughts and scribbles of the mustache pie persuasion

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Star Trek Voyager and baking and art--OH MY

I effing love you.

7 of 9 is my Borg heart-throb.

Tuvok is a mind-melding whore.

<3<3<3 width="480" height="385">

We also have jack crap to do on a Saturday night, besides the aforementioned stuff, and so we went for a...WALK!

That would be more impressive if I told you that we were all legless stumps, but really we're just lazy. We don't go outside a lot. So we walked down to campus and attempted to go to the Secret Garden, but there was a bit of a hootenany going on, so we headed back. Kinda pathetic.


We did get to see a really wonderful art mural of sorts that is on a brick wall by the Physical Education East Building. Last time I saw it, it made my day, and it has only gotten larger.

If you're near the ASU Tempe campus, I'd suggest checking it out.


  1. I saw that mural last week. Like Real Life Tumblr, haha.

  2. I saw it when I skipped class on the way to counseling services. I'm glad it was there.

  3. Also: shiz like that is why I miss the Tempe campus!
