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Thoughts and scribbles of the mustache pie persuasion

Thursday, June 3, 2010

This Summer

I'm definitely going to try to not just work or sleep.

So here are a few goals

1) Read, read, read. I think I'm going to start on that book of naughty poetry by e. e. cummings.

2) Write, write, write. That's partly going to be on here. I'll probably ramble and stream my consciousness all over this thing.

3) Paint and draw. I'm trying to get better at people. That is unlikely to happen, but it doesn't hurt to try.

4) Violin it up. It's been too long since I really played, and that's a bunch of bull shit on my part.

5) Try not to freak out so much. Like when I'm driving (which is scary, btw) or when Target gets a little hellish. Or if there are bugs. Or when there are dogs. Or cats. Or people. Etc. etc.

That's a long list.